Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Truth Universally Acknowledged

A single woman 
Alone on
New Year's Eve
Must be in need of a drink
Or five.

The John . . . Going On A Bit...

The Place: a bar
Name: The Void
Actual Fact: No one cares since it's the Void

I am now officially pledging the Fifth. In my case it should be the Sixth. I.e. THAT part in the universal law of Wine Drinkers Solitary And Anonymous that refers to the state of inebriation (i.e. units of alcohol) of the individual in question and in connection to that the inability to be held accountable for what was said and/or written in said state of inebriation.
SUCH a good thing that we are talking VOID here.

Alcohol makes you both naive and wise. (Really what it does is simply lower your inhibitions.) (Oh good, pointing out the obvious here.)
I believe this is why people tend to say that children and drunks speak the truth. (As above.)
As to speaking the truth - I honestly cannot say that I am or, IF I was, which?
Literary studies taught me, there is never only ONE truth. A complete and utter philistine would now utter something like: Makes you wonder just how much Shakespeare and the likes were drinking. Well, our beloved Mr. Pope, I am sure, was always anything but. A drunkard that is.

I am partial to the occasional drink. Especially on a New Year's Eve when there is nothing better to do and no one around. (May be turning into Bridget Jones. Must check for further signs.)
There is some kind of list of classic and highly appropriate things to do on this night in particular. Fancy dinners, friends galore, lavish parties, countdowns and toasts, and not forgetting auld acquaintance(s) and days of auld lang syne.
And you know what, this lady is in no mood to tick any of the boxes.
I love me some red wine, some sherry, too.
I shall dance and skip and gyrate and whirl like a dervish.
I may remember this and forget the other.
I may cry and laugh, joke and swear.
I shall be talking to myself a little. Aloud. Like me, myself and I were three different people.
In my mind I will be dancing with John Mayer in my kitchen. Slow dancing to some old Gershwin number.
I'd even pretend to have on a fabulous gown and my hair'd be sleek and simply wonderful.

In the end, all it ever really is is make believe.
The new year is the old year is the old is the old is the same old same old.
It's crushing. It is devastating. Nothing ever really changes. No one ever really changes. That is what is called the universal experience of being human. That is why, Mr. Mayer can wax poetic about the mundane and the easily forgotten and overlooked.
We carry on.
Whether we have learned anything or not.
It simply does not matter. Because the world does not stop turning just because we break a leg, a heart, a crown.
The world does not give a shit.
I wonder whether that is something to take into 2014.
To take into consideration at least.
At last!
Because, for sure, this lady has not in the past.

It is that kind of knowledge that eludes you for a long time and screws with you continually.

So make sure you got that down!

For posterity and all...

The John (An Entry Far Too F***ing Long-Winded For It's Own Good)

I am not talking about toilets
I am talking about Mayer's John.
Say about him what you will I love his music. Straight from Room For Squares it's been a lot of jumping around in dark rooms on Friday nights, a lot of inebriated nodding and swaying, a lot of crying and the occasional shout of SING IT, MR MAYER! Because I know he knows.
Yup - that is what OUR relationship is all about. Honesty. Understanding.

Sometimes my cynical self goes something like this:
Good thing, JM is around - he goes on Soul Searchers and comes back with bags of knowledge so you don't have to. Of course, I chide this part of myself and retort, that really what JM is doing - and kindly so - is to provide a soundtrack to life, not so much his, exclusively, but  - since we are all experiencing basically the same thing - a large portion of "us".

Coming to think of it - I am not a musician, I am a language person, so the notes and riffs and the whole composition which I am sure are fascinating, are way beyond me.
But still I believe JM is a poet, too. In the literal sense of the word.
Is that too much?
Not sure.
Am I singing praises where they are not deserved?
No clue.
What I know is that his words - and I know, too I am mixing metaphors here - think of it as COLLAGE - are like snapshots.
And WHAT do you mean by that, Ms.? Pray, tell!
Well. He highlights a mood, a feeling/emotion - a quick observation, a hint of something, nothing lasting, just a thought. And that is what photographers do, right?
Both capture something. Something intimate. It's like looking at the world through their eyes. Cliché, I know. Can't think of a decent metaphor. Am not Alexander Pope after all. So there.

 - FIFTH BEAKER - I would like to mention this, Void, and though I know you are as unforgiving and uncaring as ever and in ANY way possible, I am STILL recording it!
... for posterity... or whatever. That is a contradiction in terms I know... but hey it is New Year's Eve and I am on my fifth beaker.

I have lost my train of thought completely - not that it was ever there... mark that down to beakers and heavy drinking. So sorry.

I was - in fact - advised to take up drinking to get myself in the proper creative mood. If writing would not come - and I think it was meant as if Creativity is reluctant  - then "seduce her by all means possible".
I believe that was to say: Take charge. Get drunk if need be and coax her out.
Anyway - a healthy drinking habit is said to have been beneficial to many a literary endeavour. Not so much the liver, mind you.
But! This is a story for some other time.
It's a good one.
It's Christmassy and all in the "Spirit of the Holiday" and "Good-will-toward -men (and women, clearly)-malarkey.

Back to Mr. John Mayer. Who is as flawed as the next person. So?
I think what really matters and is the only thing that should matter - since he is a songwriter and musician first and foremost - that he has an ear as well as an eye - and perhaps, most of all, he has a heart.
'coz it takes a heart to be bothered in the first place.
By the every-day. By the minutiae of a so-called ordinary life. By the insecurities of growing-up. By Love. By breaking-up. By Not-knowing-what-the-hell-to-do-with-the-rest-of-your-life. The list goes on.
JM is a archivist. A diarist. A snap-shot-taker, for lack of a better word.

For some reason I am a little worried that he might be offended, arguing that it takes so much more than just clicking the button in the right moment. His recording is both a challenge of words and of notes and keys. And while writing that I am not even sure what that means.
I think it tries to touch upon the fact that both lyrics as well as music are involved in this particular artistic process.
Be that as it may, in cometh the laywoman:  - Both are a kind of a language, right?

Are You Surprised? I Know I'm Not

Ah, more cynical ramblings? More insights that come way too late?
Void - I am on my, I believe, fourth BEAKER of red wine today.
So I WILL ramble some more.
I WILL ...

...perhaps I will not necessarily be insightful. Other people, cleverer people have got there first, have done it so much better - and apparently that is what New Year's Eve is all about, right?
So, bring on the lists and the reminiscing and the whishes for 2014.
But not here. No siree!
Do feel free to consult your favourite browser for the awesomeness, the shitty-ness, the I-cannot-believe-this-is-happening (-to-me----again)-ness of the dying year. Take the time to be reminded of all that has happened. I am sure there were some big things.
Still, I am equally sure that everyone's very own, very special moments should be given full attention and consideration. So, take a minute and think back on what has happened to YOU and only YOU. I am not sure but if everyone took this minute to simply concentrate on themselves WITHOUT the impulse of taking a selfie or changing their status on fb. DO NOT SHARE. Just take stock and keep it secret and smile a little, or be a little sad, consider the changes and what they have done to you as a being.
Now, would that not be something...

I myself have done some impromtu, spirit of the moment clear-out-thing. I have packed away the first Christmas ornaments, would you believe it. Me - for whom the Season To Be Jolly could not start soon enough...
Well, I am now in the Season of Clearance and Being-Organised.
It is usually a short one, do not worry.

Clearing out. It's a lovely little thing to do. It's especially great on New Year's Eve. You can pretend you are going to be so much more ...whatever "next year" BECAUSE you have made a start in the old year already. It is also a good way of distracting yourself that you are on your own on this night of .... what.... Change?
Come one, who believes that? Naturally we are all hopeful - after all, one bloody year over and done with AND added bonus: we have survived.
We have survived the good, the bad, the ugly. Feel free to fill in the blanks... I know I will - and I will not even have to use my imagination.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Alas, I was wrong.
Boys ARE stupid. Throw rocks at them.


Thursday, August 8, 2013


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

Boredom kills.
On Saturday, a lovely man made blackberry ice cream - from scratch. Just for me.
THAT's the way to impress a lady, Mr. I-cry-on-couches.
I did TWO Yoga sessions this morning and ran a marathon, feel ready for whatever. Bring it on!


Monday, July 22, 2013

Don Draper: The next thing will be better. Because it always is.

Ah, the joys of the perpetual hunt...
Useless knowledge that was imparted on me last week: I don't miss you when I'm not with you.

Hm, how to reply?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bad: grown men crying on your couch.
Worse: you comforting them.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

And I shall not be made to eat my words... despite recent events and the emergence of a rather charming and handsome young man on the "tableau* of my life".
I remain on this "island" of mine. Of course, we all know, thanks to Donne's John and his many meditations, that No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.
Be that as it may - rather than being an island, which apparently no one can do, I shall simply remain on the island which I have created for myself. Think less Gilligan's and more a "Do not disturb" on the doorknob to my life.

*tableau indeed! StagnationRUs

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter

Every year I have this thought (amazing, I know). It comes with spring, comes with the blossoming, the bursting, the chirping and trilling. It's a silent resigned recognition, perhaps a prediction, a self-fulfilling prophecy even.
"Another lonely Spring" are the words of my spell. And after all these years I've finally come to like it. In spite of my wailing and whinging, I rejoice quietly, I thank the heavens, the fates, the gods for leaving me be.
Deep down I know it is best like this.
And though I may profess to loneliness - which I do and which I feel on occasion - I also know full well that certain things in my life (and of me, come to think of it) are best kept to myself, are best not shared.
And that's ok. Perhaps the heart and soul in time stop screaming for communication and understanding. Or maybe it is simply a matter of one being not as desperate to find one's soul mate as when one was younger...?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blogging The Unquiet

I mentioned travelling of the mind the other day. And while I enjoy travelling on my own, I sometimes ask The Gentle Author of http://spitalfieldslife.com/ to take be my the hand and guide me through his/her world.

Wondrous, wondrous walks we take.

There's this  interview with him/her I wish to keep in order to remind myself that indeed, "...writing is the outcome of an unquiet mind."


I sometimes wish blogging felt more like collaging or scrapbooking.
I miss that you can't really allow for creative chaos/messiness. At least I never have found a way. My notebooks look so different from the ordered entries with tags and neat lines and the occasional, neatly placed and cut picture.

More scribbling and doodling I say!

When speaking of the unquiet mind and the use a blog can be with that, I must agree but add that blogging seems to fail me at times.
I need the feel of pen on paper like I prefer to read my book in hand and not on a screen.
I am old-fashioned, I am clumsy in this world of sleekness. And sometimes I wonder whether blogging is the right medium for me.

Of course, you cannot argue about the immediacy and number of readers you may reach by just clicking a few keys rather than having it printed on paper which is pretty damn fast these days but still nowhere near fast enough for high-speed info-sharing online.
And I do like "fastness". I am terrible at waiting. I am, however, very good at impatience.

And so I take the very good and fast with the "not REALLY bad" in the guise of a lack of mess and will be happy in the knowledge that I can always choose.
Which is nice, I figure.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Learning Curves Are Tricky Things

Ok, yesterday's rant may have been a little unfair.
To my fellow women in their not-so-sad late 30's.
And to Alex Turner, who after all is only a baby. And let's face it, when you're his age you do think the world owes you pretty girls, or handsome boys for that matter.Most of the time you stumble around not knowing what the fuck you want. That you occasionally still do at the ripe old age of 37.

Some people never grow old, that is to say - I have found out - they never learn. But no matter how old you are or pretend to be, if you belong to the non-learners, you will eventually run out of excuses for behaving like a brat (or prat, your choice). Hope is that non-learners forgive themselves at some point and stop thinking of themselves as failures. Rumour has it that, also eventually, you will stop to give a shit about what others may say or do or achieve or what they're better at.

I feel like a non-learner all the time. And I am still hoping for the point to come that I could give myself a break. Sometimes it works. In the Wallowing Hour. And I find myself letting go a little.
But as always, before you know it, the time's up and you put the gloves back on again and the visor goes down.

I heard someone say once, life hasn't got to be so hard.
Well, it's the way I know it.
What's hard is letting go of old habits.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Rock 'n Roll Luck

In 2011, Alex Turner, Esq. was reported to have complained at a party about the lack of pretty girls with whom to flirt. I only found out today. Gosh! HOW did I miss this?

Yup, finger on the pulse. That's me. 

But this nugget of information struck me as something quintessentially true for all the parties I went to, in company or alone - the only difference being, that in my case the handsome boys were conspicuous only by their absence. Shameless behaviour, I say. 

I am sure, Alex Turner for all his wit (and bonus material I am equally sure) should have no trouble in the flirt-department. (I mean, he used to bed Alexa Chung for crying out loud.) Alas, it seems Master Turner can only get his flirt on with a pretty girl. Sissy! We are not even talking smart, intelligent, funny. No we are concentrating purely on looks alone. Ah, the unfairness of it all!

Ha, I say. Come to my end of town and I show you what I have to put up with. 
The nasty boys, the stupid boys, the infantiles, the boys who’ll be boys, the chatty boys, the idiots, the wankers, the ones that can’t dance, the ones that won’t dance, the outright rude ones, the stalkers, talkers, the drinkers, the drunks, the bad kissers, the pests, the machos, the show-offs, the uglies, the fuglies, the loonies, the Roonies, … By Cooper, she’s starting to rhyme…
Anyway, you get the point. It’s like we’re continually out of “handsome”.  Oh, and you can forget about “smart”, “intelligent”, and “funny”, too.

It kind of makes you want to say, get a life, Alex! You’re a singer in a band, the songs you write are pretty good, too. They’re the kind that are either quietly to the point or so poetic that despite their obscurity the tug at one’s heartstrings is unmistakably felt and not easily forgotten. You’ve got that rock ‘n roll je ne sais quoi. So what exactly have you got to complain about, huh?
Oh right, no pretty girls at the party.

Well let me tell you something. Here in the world of The-Sad-End-of-Thirty, there’s no fucking pretty and there is no one flirting anymore either, alright.
At least, most of the time it seems that way. And you can “still feel younger than you thought you would by now” but what good is that in the face of time’s cruel jokes on women’s bodies. And no, my maturity did not get me over the fact that the older a woman gets the less she is seen, as in noticed and appreciated.
There’s none of that, mate.
There is, however, a time of day that’s called the Wallowing Hour. You know why? Because without it we would simply jump off a flippin’ bridge or something.

It’s in this short hour that all the frustration comes out, all pettiness, all the heartaches, the worries, the paranoia, all the insecurities and pain.
And then one gets on with it again as if nothing was ever wrong. That is after all what one does these days. Despite the fact there are no decent men in town, despite the fact that one is turning into one’s mother, and despite the fact that one feels damned inadequate and a bloody failure.
(Oh, haven’t you heard?! Yeah, teenage angst never really goes away.)

Really, get to my fuckin’ age and tell me again about “pretty”. But the sad fact is you’d probably still believe the world owes you pretty girls. And even sadder: you’d get them, too. 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

I Have Lazy Bones. Sue Me!

At 10:44 this morning, I was still in bed. Needless to say flat-grooming has not happened.

It is now 15:54. 

I am weak. I am weak. I am weak. I am weak. I am weak. I am weak. I am weak.  

Need I continue?

Still, I have done one thing thoroughly today and that's travelling of the mind, i.e. reading.
So all is not wasted.

I have also watched clouds chase across the occasional blue spot of sky - which made a nice change to all the gray of recent weeks.

I have watched the builders make quite some progress on the site opposite my house.

I have watched the rain pound against my window.

All was done with dedication. And once more I understood that joy can be found in the little things.

Just because the Void is big does not mean we should forget that it is made up of those very details. There is time and place for each and every one of them to be discovered and enjoyed.

Simply decide upon the where and when.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Indeed, What Would Bradley Do?

I figure, first of all he'd be real grateful for something or other. (I know, this is getting old...)
Secondly, he'd NOT be sitting procrastinatin' - I mean look how far he's come in the world. Despite the fact that he's got a VERY thin-lipped mouth. A lady of my acquaintance once warned me of people with lines for mouths. They are mean and cruel. Her words, not mine. Clearly, she had it wrong somehow. Because it seems they are driven too. And perhaps there needs to be a certain amount of cruelty to get ahead in the world. Maybe it's a secret club. With secret signs and passwords to get you in the inner circle, with measuring tapes for the smallest ... Oh, whatev!

Faced with a problem, good ol Brad'd dig in. Or tell someone to. That comes with the territory and the celebrity pay cheque, I believe. Lucky Coop.
Maybe we should not ask WWBD but WWBAD? A is of course for? Correct, assistant(s).

So having said that it is clear that BC would tidy his flat if that were the most pressing issue of the day - or have someone do that for him. The thing to remember is, Void, he'd get straight to it. No mucking about there!
Since I am not of his monetary calibre, I and I alone will have to get to work. Which looks dire to me, dire, indeed. Oh, the unfairness of it all!

Enough I say. So tomorrow - as all good procrastinators will agree - tomorrow, will be the day I shall invest my time in a flat-overhaul in the cleaning and clearing sense.
Yup, go big or go home, right.
Though experience has shown that over-enthusiasm is the downfall of many a project.
Still, where would be without a little naiveté, hm?

I cannot be stopped, Void!
And I will be at least twice as good as Bradley's cleaning lady ever was! HA! Even if it kills me. And it may...

I shall stop here and save my precious energy for my big day tomorrow.
Watch this space.

P.S. Just so we're clear - I will not experience tomorrow's task as therapeutic or happiness-inducing! 
What am I, Mary freakin' Poppins?!
