Think human babies.
Well, today I personally am thinking less babies and more personal growth.
I, too, have had nine months.
I, too, have had nine months.
I have not done very well, though.
I have lost that competition if there ever was one.
I have lost to any fetus that has made it out of the womb alive.
Wow, that really makes me feel special.
In these nine months, I have not been able to overcome personal challenges. I have not been able to be kind, forgiving.
I am still holding a grudge (it actually should be GRUDGE, sorry to be picky) against a person in my life. I still want to hurt them and hurt them bad. I still have not moved on. I have actually RETURNED from the Land of the Sane and Balanced and I feel like I am now Carrie at the prom.
I also have the suspicion that grudges grow over time despite popular religious belief. Time does not heal all wounds. What utter crap!
I have tried to forgive and forget. I can't. It does not work. Simple as that.
I am not the bigger person.
I am not the calm one.
I am not forgiving as it turns out.
I am not the calm one.
I am not forgiving as it turns out.
Well, at least I know that much about myself now. That is what I have learned in my nine months of gestation. More like Jest-ation. Whatever...
So I was thinking perhaps the Void can take care of this.
If the Void is as big as I believe it is, then it can handle this, no problem. Swallow the grudge and all the bad energy, all the destructive emotions - because frankly I cannot.
Let's see how that goes...