Showing posts with label lazyness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lazyness. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Aaaand We're Off

Sent application this morning.
Now waiting and seeing. Sadly, waiting and seeing doesn't burn ANY calories.
Looks like I have to go back to the gym. Get my fabulous ass off my chair. Switch Greek Goddess mode back on.

God. That already sounds like so much work. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Laziness And The Passage of Time... Oh, Bugger Off!

Checked the date on Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot?
Then checked the date of the next entry, which is incidentally a good 4 months later.
Clearly, all my thoughts on the subject were just a passing folly I mistook for ideas worth putting on paper. Terribly sorry.
"Anyway, be back soon"... Indeed!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

I Have Lazy Bones. Sue Me!

At 10:44 this morning, I was still in bed. Needless to say flat-grooming has not happened.

It is now 15:54. 

I am weak. I am weak. I am weak. I am weak. I am weak. I am weak. I am weak.  

Need I continue?

Still, I have done one thing thoroughly today and that's travelling of the mind, i.e. reading.
So all is not wasted.

I have also watched clouds chase across the occasional blue spot of sky - which made a nice change to all the gray of recent weeks.

I have watched the builders make quite some progress on the site opposite my house.

I have watched the rain pound against my window.

All was done with dedication. And once more I understood that joy can be found in the little things.

Just because the Void is big does not mean we should forget that it is made up of those very details. There is time and place for each and every one of them to be discovered and enjoyed.

Simply decide upon the where and when.
