Showing posts with label shallow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shallow. Show all posts

Sunday, February 1, 2015

What I Really (Really REALLY) Want

is to be slim and toned and financially comfortable, lucky in love, healthy, content and with a quiet mind and detached from all the silly things that tend to get in my way to serenity and wisdom - you know Zen-Goddess Greek Style with a hint of all around good person.

Did you notice how outward appearance comes before anything else?
I am shallow.  What else is new?

Hm, remember this person I had been pining for? Remember that I wrote how I understand now that we are to remain acquaintances, nothing more, and that that was ok?
The universe lent me a hand and sent him my way once more the other day.
It was an unexpected visit and it took me by surprise how ok I was with him showing up like that. I am not going to lie, my heart still skipped a beat but quickly calmed again - and amazingly that was that.
I did not spend the weekend obsessing, hoping for whatever.
I was happy that he was fine. And I believe he felt the same about me.

Do you know that is quite a nice feeling.
Makes you go all warm and fuzzy inside.

Well not really - I am not bloody Mother Theresa
And we all know - the next mistake is probably just 'round the corner, but think of the escapades and drolleries. Being unlucky in love is so much more entertaining for the innocent bystander.
