Showing posts with label #lazyfornoreason. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #lazyfornoreason. Show all posts

Monday, January 12, 2015

Beginning To Look Like I Feel

... and that is bloated and doughy and overweight, if you want to know.
And it seems Nisse lay across my face last night. There can be no other explanation for the patterns and wrinkles on my visage.

Or I am just getting old...
While I know I am, I am also refusing - and steadfastly so - to let that get me down.
Yeah, I know I'm a laugh a minute.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Laziness And The Passage of Time... Oh, Bugger Off!

Checked the date on Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot?
Then checked the date of the next entry, which is incidentally a good 4 months later.
Clearly, all my thoughts on the subject were just a passing folly I mistook for ideas worth putting on paper. Terribly sorry.
"Anyway, be back soon"... Indeed!
